It was that time of year - early October, a time for trekking down to the Shawnee region of southern Illinois, for the fall snake migration. Having made this trip numerous times, I always plan to explore new areas as well as hike Snake Road. The entire region has captured my soul. I dream about camping under the stars, warming my tired feet at the fire pit. Hearing the sounds of the deep, dark woods at night - the coyotes, the barred owls, the frogs. By day, walking miles and miles up and down roads, woods, cliff slopes, swamps. All the while, looking for the reptiles, amphibians, and other interesting animals and plants that fascinate. And I do just that, all while seeing old faces and meeting new enthusiasts. It's just a great, great experience overall.
On each trip I've ever made to Snake Road, I've been welcomed by an impressive example of large-bodied snake at or near the north gate. This time was no different. Here we have an adult western cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorous leucostoma).
Another cottonmouth, coincidentally, hanging out in white snakeroot (Ageratina altissima).
Nearby, this plainbelly (yellowbelly) water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster flavigaster).

A hiker noticed this large insect crawling on a plant and made a scene. I approached it and was curious - I've never seen one of these before. Looked like an armored bug with a mohawk. I transferred it to my hand and inspected it closely. How cool! When I got home, I went through my books and the Internet and discovered that it was a wheel bug (Arilus cristatus), and that its bite is extremely painful. The University of Florida's website claims, "When disturbed, the wheel bug can inflict a painful bite. The bite has been described variously as worse than stings from bees, wasps, or hornets. Barber (1919) and Hall (1924) described in detail the effects of such bites. In general, initial pain often is followed by numbness for several days. The afflicted area often becomes reddened and hot to the touch, but later may become white and hardened at the puncture area. Occasionally, a hard core may slough off, leaving a small hole at the puncture site. Healing time varies but usually takes two weeks...". Do NOT try this at home!

Young cottonmouth savoring the last of the afternoon sun.
This cottonmouth has gotten an early start at brumation. It was wedged in fairly tightly, along with bunch of its friends, in a crack along the cliffs.
The road.
Shortly before sunset, we began seeing many treefrogs along the road near the swamp. While looking for them, I found this young western ribbon snake (Thamnophis proximus) emerging from underneath some peeling bark in a tree about five feet off the ground.
A big green treefrog (Hyla cinerea).
Another greeny.
Day two found us bouncing around from spot to spot. I had a list of goal species, but I didn't find any of them. I did find some other cool species though. Here is a young bronze frog (Lithobates clamitans clamitans) I saw while looking for copperbelly water snakes in Johnson County.
A bird-voiced treefrog (Hyla avivoca) I saw while looking for eastern ribbon snakes in Johnson County.
Back at Snake Road, another green treefrog.
And a grey treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis).
Day three began with a trip to the dolomite glades of eastern Missouri to look for, well, anything we could find! I was previously invited to an outing by Peter Paplanus, one of the most remarkable field herpers I know. Also joining us was Edward Prenzler. I was very excited about visiting the glades and observing some of the unique features of this rare habitat. After a two-hour drive, we got started early, and it was quite chilly out. We flipped a few rocks before we found our first cool find, this striped bark scorpion (Centruroides vittatus). It was the first of many.
A prairie ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus arnyi).
An early morning view of the glades.
Peter turns over a rock while Aimee contemplates why she's here this early.
The first of a few lined snakes (Tropidoclonion lineatum) we found. I've never found these in Illinois, but they are pretty common right across the Mississippi River in Missouri.
A familiar face, though I was told these are not a common find in the glades - a midland brown snake (Storeria dekayi wrightorum).
Peter casually picked up this three-toed box turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis) and handed it to me without taking his eyes off the ground in search of more rocks to flip. I'm not sure he understood how cool it was for me, since I had never photographed this subspecies in the wild before. I didn't wait for this one to "come out of its shell", so this boring photograph will have to do. Self-preservation trumps satisfying humans.
What's this under this rock?
Eastern hognose snake (Heterodon platirhinos).
Feigning death...
...and three idiots joining in.
A rocky hillside in the glades.
Following the leaders.
A southern black widow (Latrodectus mactans).
A male/female pair of brown/Missouri tarantula (Aphonopelma hentzi). Really cool find.
A couple lizards we found - here is a fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) Peter and I chased down.
Six-lined racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineata).
The glades are characterized partly by their stunted trees. Trees that grow on the glades themselves can't get their roots down far enough to support further growth due to the underlying layer of dolomite, and so they mature at a much smaller size. Also, because their roots are not as extensive, the trees lose strength and tend to fall easily. The deadwood provides great habitat for coachwhips, which we hoped to see, but didn't. Hopefully, next year.
One more pass at Snake Road...
Photographing some treefrogs as Nick Asher stands there and regrets ever meeting me.
Two green treefrogs.
A zig-zag salamander (Plethodon dorsalis) found behind out campsite, in a dry wash.
In the same wash, this longtail salamander (Eurycea longicauda)
And this small green or bronze frog (Lithobates clamitans).
Another trip in the books. More memories forged. More next time.