Sunday, February 5, 2012


So I recently graduated from a modest Samsung point-and-shoot camera (which was used to take all photos so far on my blog with the exception of the "Michigan Sunset" post, which I used my wife's Canon Powershot G10 for) to a Canon Rebel T3 EOS (an "entry-level" DSLR camera) with stock lens.  I figured that since I spend enough time and energy with a camera, I might as well try something that will give me more options. 

My first impression is that this new Canon is a BEAST.  I am a total amateur at photography but have enjoyed it for years and want to become a better photographer.  To do this I have to learn all these crazy terms like aperture and shutter speed.  I think I am slowly getting the hang of it, but it will take a lot of time and trial and error before I can master this new technology.

Once I started using the Canon with stock lens, I realized two things - the zoom is entirely inadequate and the macro is terrible.  I won't be getting any good shots of subjects from afar with this lens nor will I be able to get good macro shots  (such as the invertebrates and amphibians I captured last year).  For these, I will need to upgrade to a more appropriate lens or lenses.  The Canon Rebel T3 takes stunning photos in low-light conditions, unlike the Samsung.  It also allows the subject to really pop out.  I have been playing with the aperture settings and have taken a few halfway decent (and I'm being generous) shots.  So, until I procure some nicer lenses specific to my photographic needs, I will be alternating between my new toy and the old Samsung (which I still really like). 

Here are a couple of photos I took today with the new camera.  This was kind of a test run to become more familiar with this technological marvel.

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