Sunday, April 14, 2013

Early April Miscellaneous

A few photos from the last two weeks.

Pinus canopy
He's skured!

Cassius Play 2

Been busy - between 40+ hour work weeks and a full-time school schedule (as well as an additional leadership course I was just accepted into), house stuff, and now dog stuff, I always have time to spend with our dog Cassius.  Today, following a reptile show at UIC with my nephew Peffernaut (who turned 13 yesterday), I scooped up Cassius and took him to Itasca to introduce him to Peffer's husky Thor.  They got along well, and after a couple of hours playing and sniffing, we came home and spent some quality time with Cassius in the yard.  I know I'll have a lot more time to spend with him in a few weeks, following graduation. I can't wait - I'm getting pretty burned out with all of these projects, assignments, presentations, and finals.

Yes, he does need a haircut.  We're working on that.